
30 March, 2023

{Limerence} Trixy hair special for Kinky Event

 Greetings, everyone! Limerence is thrilled to announce our newest release-Trixy, a playful and flirty hairstyle featuring two long and beautiful braids that cascade down the front, exclusively available now at the Kinky event.

This stunning hairstyle is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of fun and charm to their avatar's look. The braids flow beautifully down the front, creating a unique and eye-catching appearance.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to add this gorgeous hairstyle to your collection. Head over to the Kinky event and check out the latest release from Limerence today! 

Trixy hair is a rigged mesh hair so please be careful and always grab a DEMO before purchasing.

Each round of Kinky Event lasts from the 28th day of each month to the 23rd day of the next month. 

Taxi to Kinky Event 

Package Details:

Each Color Package Includes:
- Hair {Rigged Version}
- Color Huds


MILOTA: Elvina set



Please always grab a DEMO before purchasing.

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair!

*Unrigged mesh you are able to adjust placement using editing tools & resize with resizer script. 

Want to keep up to date and be the first to see new releases? Follow us on Flickr.