
27 September, 2017

{Limerence} Agata&Nikki hairs special for Kinky event

New releases at {Limerence} special for Kinky event
Taxi to Kinky 

Date: Each round start the 28th of the month till 19th next month.

Agata&Nikki is a new rigged mesh hairs.

Always before purchasing please grab a demo.

Package Details:

Each Color Package Includes:

- Hair {Rigged Version}
- Color Hud

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair

Want to keep up to date and be the first to see new releases? Follow us on Flickr .

19 September, 2017

{Limerence} Mermaid&Afelia gachas special for Lootbox

New release at {Limerence} special for Lootbox
Taxi to  Lootbox

Date: Sept 20-Oct.20

And my new release special for this event are 2 gachas:Mermaid&Afelia. 75L$ per play. Also you can get from machine  LootBox with 3 items in each. Good luck)

Always before purchasing please grab a demo.

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair
*Unrigged mesh you are able to resize and adjust placement using editing tools.

Want to keep up to date and be the first to see new releases? Follow us on Flickr .

09 September, 2017

{Limerence} Kim & Casey hairs special for Hairology

New releases at {Limerence} special for Hairology
Taxi to Hairology

Date: Each round start the 10 till 30.

Kim & Casey is a new unrigged mesh hairs.

Always before purchasing please grab a demo.

Package Details:

Each Color Package Includes:

- Hair {Unigged Version}
- Hair {Rigged Version}
- Color Hud

*Unrigged mesh you are able to resize and adjust placement using editing tools.
*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair

Want to keep up to date and be the first to see new releases? Follow us on Flickr .

03 September, 2017

{Limerence} Blogger Search

Apps at BLOGOTEX -clicking on Bloggers Access Point inworld

- An average of +100 favs and 500 views on Flickr
- High Quality Pictures.
- blog no less then 4 items a month.
- Blog age more then 6 months
- Post new items within 2 weeks *event items within 1 week of event opening*.
- Items must be  clearly visible in your posts and credit them correctly with name and LM to my mainstore or event location.
- Our brand logo with URL on your blog.
- Share your posts on Flickr and Facebook.
- You need to be in our Flickr Group Click for Limerence Group , Post and Tag us.

01 September, 2017

{Limerence} Alexis gacha special for The Imaginarium

New release at {Limerence} special for The Imaginarium
Taxi to The Imaginarium

Date: Sept 1-30

The Imaginarium features the Gachas and Exclusives you have come to know and love from Gimme Gacha Creators plus HUNDREDS of single items available at enormous discounts!

Here is how it works!
Each Creator have been given a booth. Inside that booth you will find an amazing gacha and special exclusive item both unique to The Imaginarium event. Along side those you will also find tons of items from our Creators shops at insane discounts! How insane you ask? The single items are priced to match the gachas!

And my new release special for this event is Alexis gacha. 75L$ per play and 4 hairs with special color set only 75L$ ^.^

Always before purchasing please grab a demo.

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair

Want to keep up to date and be the first to see new releases? Follow us on Flickr .