
30 November, 2020

{Limerence} Teffy hair special for The Cosmopolitan

New release at {Limerence} special for The Cosmopolitan

Hello everyone! Today I am glad to show you my special release for The Cosmopolitan. It is Teffy  hair!

Teffy hair is a stylish hairstyle with two sleek but lush ponytails on the sides!

Hair bang is an unrigged mesh so you can wear hair with or without it.

Teffy hair is a rigged mesh hair so please be careful and always grab a DEMO before purchasing.
Taxi to The Cosmopolitan
The Cosmopolitan opens the 30th of November and lasts until the 12th of December

Package Details:
Each Hair Color Package Includes:
- Hair {Rigged Version}
- Color Huds

TETRA - Dina Set

Please always grab a DEMO before purchasing.

*Unrigged mesh you are able to adjust placement using editing tools & resize with resizer script. 

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair!

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