
13 May, 2019

{Limerence} SWAT Girl special for ROMP

New release at {Limerence} special for ROMP

Taxi to ROMP

ROMP has been designed to promote kinky, adult entertainment, apparel, furniture and decor of the highest quality that Second Life can offer.

As kinksters and unabashed shopping junkies, we believe that beauty and quality should not be a hit or miss condition in the adult community.

Date: May 11-25

SWAT Girl is a new Rigged mesh hair with 15% off price

You can bought SWAT Girl costume at [Provocation] store

Always before purchasing please grab a demo.

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair

Want to keep up to date and be the first to see new releases? Follow us on Flickr .